Sandhill Design Works - Services

Some of the things we can do for you....

  • Review your current website and make suggestions on updates based on your budget.
  • Design a new website for your business based on your budget and marketing goals.
  • Research and write content for your website and/or social media presence.
  • Assistance with smaller (less than 50 items) e-commerce sites.
  • Have a book in you? We offer design and self publishing services through the CreateSpace platform.

Things we'll refer you to other web specialists for....

  • Databases.
  • Large, extensive e-commerce sites.
  • eBay, Amazon, etc. selling.

So your next question is probably "What's this gonna cost me?" Well, it's complicated. After thoroughly listening to your ideas, goals, and budget, we'll give you some feedback in an official quote. That way you can see on paper what we'll offer and at what price. Our quotes are good for 30 days, so you have some time to think about things.

If something here sounds promising please head on over to our Contact page to get the process started.